Fungal nail infections
Fungal nail infections are unsightly, they can be smelly and also painful when you wear closed-in shoes.
For the best chance to fix this troublesome condition you need the right advice to get your nails back to their most beautiful again.
Fungal nail infections destroy your toenails
A fungal nail infection, or Onychomycosis, is an infection of part or the whole toenail that causes a breakdown of the nail.
Certain medical conditions can increase your risk of Onychomycosis as can environmental conditions and trauma. Onychomycosis is rarely dangerous in otherwise healthy people however, the thickened, discoloured nails may cause pain with activity, increase your risk of bacterial infection and can create significant psychosocial issues for some people.
Fungal nail infections are most commonly caused by fungi called dermatophytes following some sort of trauma to the toenail. Once the fungus has infiltrated the nail structure, it sets about doing what fungus does in nature; it begins to compost the toenail.
Fungal nail infections typically cause the nail to become discoloured and thickened. One nail or many of the nails may be affected. An offensive odour can sometimes be associated with the infection.
The podiatrists at Complete Podiatry will review your nail problem and can test your nail in the clinic to confirm you have a fungal infection. Once we clarify the cause of your nail problems, we can offer you the right treatment options.
What's the best treatment for fungal nails?
With so many treatment options available, we have invested in the latest technology to give our clients the best chance to fix their fungal nail infections.
The Lunula Laser stimulates your immune system and blood flow to enable your nails to grow clear and healthy. The laser light passes through the nail without causing damage to it or the surrounding skin. Safe and effective, the Lunula Laser poses none of the risks and harmful side effects of anti-fungal medications.
The Lunula Laser combines two wavelengths concurrently, a 405nm blue laser that provides an antimicrobial effect and a 635nm red laser that stimulates the immune system, blood flow and nutrient delivery to the infected area. The blue laser penetrates down as far as the germinal matrix and can treat under the proximal nail fold, and the red laser stimulates even deeper into the toes and feet.
Enjoy your toenails again
Why put up with damaged, discoloured toenails when help is available. The team at Complete Podiatry can help treat your fungal nail infections with our Lunula Laser treatment system.
The human body is a complex structure and like many things in medicine, we can provide no guarantees of the effectiveness of treatment. We can only keep up-to-date with the latest quality scientific research and make this available to you to help make your decision.
If you would like more information about fungal nail infections or the treatment options that would be most appropriate for you and your circumstances, please call us on 8330 0004 or contact us here.