Have you heard of Shockwave Treatment?
Radial Shock-Wave Therapy is widely used for the treatment of many bone and soft tissue conditions in the feet and legs.
Many clients find relief 8-10 days after their first treatment
We have invested in our clients to obtain this specialsed equipment as there are numerous published scientific studies that demonstrate this as a safe treatment option with positive outcomes.
What is shockwave treatment?
Radial shockwaves are high energy soundwaves transmitted from a probe held against the skin and spreading outwards into the underlying tissues.
Treatment with our shockwave usually takes about 10 minutes during which you may receive up to 3000 pulses.
Many clients find pain relief 8-10 days after the first treatment.
Depending on the condition and your response you may require from 2 to 6 treatments, although the average is 2.2.
The initial phase of treatment may cause some deep pain, however, this indicates the correct targeting of the problem area.
During the treatment, you may then feel some numbness or heaviness in the area and towards the end, it feels less painful.
After Shockwave Treatment
You may feel some soreness which may intensify on the night of treatment.
There may also be some minor bruising in the treatment area.
You should rest from aggravating activities for 2-3 days after treatment.
Side Effects
Side effects are minimal, apart from some post-treatment discomfort.
Local bruising is uncommon and typically minor if it occurs.
Tendon rupture has not been reported following radial shockwave therapy, unlike cortisone injection and surgery.
The treatment is believed to induce increased blood flow and metabolic activity around the site of pain and accelerate the healing process.
At the very least it effectively reduces pain in this area.
We have been really happy with the results we have been seeing with Shockwave treatment, as have our clients.
Contact us on 8330 0004 or Book Online
I would love to talk to you about how we can help you build an amazing life from the feet up
Anthony Robinson
Director of Complete Podiatry