My Experience with Foot Orthotics
When I was 10 years old I was prescribed my first pair of custom foot orthotics.
Now almost 15 years later, I am a Podiatrist and continue to wear my orthotics.
This blog will explain the reasons I was prescribed custom foot orthotics for having flat feet.
My Story
When I was younger I competed in aerobics, which is a high intensity sport, and in my first year of competing, I developed many lower limb injuries.
I had pain in my lower back and knees from the injuries and ended up seeing a Physiotherapist.
After the Physiotherapist had done a full assessment, they noticed that I had flat feet and referred me to a Podiatrist.
The Podiatrist educated me that my flat feet were contributing to the mechanics further up my body.
My Podiatrist at the time moulded my feet and made me custom foot orthotics, which were able to fit into my aerobic shoes, school shoes and sneakers.
Plaster casts are rarely used anymore
Wearing the foot orthotics changed how the forces between the ground and my foot interacted and reduced the pain in my knees and lower back.
My feet still remain flat, however with the foot orthotics it has allowed me to play and compete in any sport with no pain or injuries.
Why was I prescribed custom foot orthotics?
There are many reasons that children are prescribed foot orthotics.
The reasons that I was prescribed custom foot orthotics were:
- I was in pain in my knees and lower back; although I did not have any foot pain, the position of my feet was contributing to the pain higher up my body.
- I have the same shape feet as my Mum who in her 40’s developed foot pain.
Does my child need Orthotics?
As a Podiatrist, many parents are concerned about their children having flat feet.
Most Children have flat feet up until the age of 10 years old.
Common reasons to why children are prescribed foot orthotics are:
- They are in foot or lower limb pain.
- Being in pain can restrict your child participating in many activities and this should not be the case, therefore, orthotics may help with the pain experienced by your child.
- Your child gets fatigued quicker than their peers on a regular basis. If your child is getting tired whilst doing activities such as running it may be because the mechanics of their feet causes muscles to overwork.
- Your child has had a traumatic experience to their feet or lower limb, changing the mechanics of their feet and preventing them from working as effectively as they once did.
- They have older siblings or direct family members with the same foot type that have needed orthotics or developed pain later in life.
- As Podiatrists we can help in recommending what is best for your child’s feet. So if you are unsure please don’t hesitate to contact us to make an appointment.
We Are Here To Help
If you are unsure what shoes your child should be wearing, the first thing to do is book an appointment with one of our Podiatrists at Complete Podiatry for a comprehensive assessment.
Once this is done, we will develop a structured management plan that outlines our best advice for how to help your child return to doing the things they love to do.
Just call us on 8330 0004 I'll love to talk to you about how we can help you build an amazing life from the feet up!